WealthTech Today Podcast: Checklists, Flowcharts, & More: Enhancing Advisor Efficiency with Michael Lecours, fpPathfinder
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Come on in and sit back and relax. You’re listening to Episode 207 of the WealthTech Today podcast. I’m your host, Craig Iskowitz, founder of Ezra Group Consulting. This podcast features interviews, news and analysis on the trends and best practices, all about wealth management technology.
My guest for this episode I’m excited to announce is Michael Lecours, co founder of fpPathfinder. Michael is also a financial advisor and a planner at wealth strategies team. He began his career in advertising to develop marketing strategies for insurance companies, banks and credit unions. Now he leverages his background to distill complex financial planning concepts into straightforward strategies, applying behavioral finance concepts to the planning process and injecting a disciplined approach to all facets of the client experience. You’re going to love this interview with Michael, I had a good time talking to him.