The Easy Button for Estate Planning: How to Add Estate Planning to Your Firm Using Resources You Already Have With fpPathfinder & EncorEstate Plans

Asking "Should we offer estate planning?" is no longer an option, esp. when this webinar will give you the "Easy Button" for estate planning (not to mention the 1000s of advisors who have gotten plans done for their clients).

Put another way: "Why would any advisor want to reinvent the wheel or overspend? That’s precisely what they’d tell clients not to do. In a competitive environment, I wouldn’t want to hike a mountain if I could ride the gondola to the top." — Katie Noles, CEP®

Katie Noles, CEP® (former advisor and now owner of Advisors EP) will show you her workflow and the low-cost tools she uses (fpPathfinder + EncorEstate Plans) to make estate planning easy for advisors and clients.

What Katie will teach you:

✅ How an Estate Plan generates prospects without needing to pay for leads.

⬆️ Her "Low Effort, High ROI" workflow that'll scale your revenue + AUM by uncovering new Opps with existing clients.

♻️ How advisors can gather and update existing client data, fast-track the onboarding process, and eliminate "the unknown" of assets held away.


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